Champions at home in Barrie!, News, Minor Atom, 2015-2016, BB (Barrie Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 30, 2015 | kmcmillan | 1148 views
Champions at home in Barrie!
Congratulations to the Lifestyle Dentistry Minor Atom AE Barrie Colts for winning the "Barrie" Canadian Tire Classic Minor A/AE Tournament, for their first tournament championship of the 2015-2016 season!

The team faced some adversity in their first and second games of the tournament Friday, losing 3-0 to Oakville and then losing a second straight game 3-0 to Kitchener. The next two games saw them bounce back and win 3-2 against Flamborough and win 6-0 vs Centre Wellington.

With a 2-2 record the boys advanced into the semi-finals for a rematch with Oakville. After losing 3-0 to a bigger Oakville team in the round robin, our boys showed that HDMH (height doesn't measure heart) and we came back and beat them 2-1 in the semi-finals. Our boys played a complete team game and supported and trusted each other right down to the end. Me and the other members of the coaching staff are so proud of how much heart and determination the boys showed. With this win the boys advanced to the finals and a rematch with Kitchener, who were the favorites to win the tournament.

In the championship game the boys came out hard and fast, and jumped out to an early 2-0 lead. They never looked back, playing great defensive hockey, defeating Kitchener by a score of 2-1 to capture their first tournament championship of the season.

Our boys learned to battle through adversity and we have now adopted "Marcus Stroman's; HDMH Mantra (height doesn't measure heart) to help the boys believe in themselves, their teammates and their coaching staff.

Thank you to our families for all of your cheering and support throughout the weekend.


Coach Kevin Kett

PS - Special mention
: The weekend trifecta was completed for the Barrie Minor Atom teams. All 3 levels of Rep (AA, A, AE) won their respective tournaments. Great job by all the 2006 players, their parents, coaches and special thanks to the BMHA for all their support. Go Colts Go!
