Minor Bantam AA are OMHA Champions, Hitting the Daily-Double in 2016, News, Minor Bantam, 2015-2016, AA (Barrie Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 21, 2016 | Susan Howell | 2541 views
Minor Bantam AA are OMHA Champions, Hitting the Daily-Double in 2016
Capping off an exceptional year, the Joe Johnson Equipment Minor Bantam AA Barrie Colts have won the OHMA Championship.  In the final game, the Colts made a statement by outshooting their opponents 49 to 19, defeating the Center Wellington Fusion 4-1 and sweeping the series.

The team had a record of 12-1-1 during the playoffs, playing disciplined team-first hockey.

Head Coach Joe Johnson gushed, "I am proud of these young gentlemen.  The character and the chemistry on this team all year was truly humbling.  Every player was committed to winning the OMHA title with every ounce of his being all year long; and he wanted to do it for the guy beside him...when you have talent combined with that type of passion, focus and support for one another on a team then you have the recipe for an exceptional season and that is what these boys delivered."

The "Exception Season" Johnson refers to is that not only are the 2002 AA Colts OMHA Champions, but they also went undefeated over the course of 11 hard-fought games earlier in the year to win the coveted International SilverStick Championship.  For a team to win both titles in the same year is extraordinary.

Members of the Minor Bantam AA Colts are:  Owen Kellachan, Jason Howell, Cameron Knight, Preston Howard, Jayden Steele, Brayden Barney, Patrick Galloway, Joey Johnson, Rylee Hlusiak, Johnny Protopapas, Josh Harrison, Cael Cavallin, Ethan Pegg, Aidan DesForges, Errick Evenhuis, Quinn Walker, Alex Howard.  Coaches are Steve McDonald, Mike Berry, Mike Walker, Sue Howell and Joe Johnson.